Uninformed Public is Danger to Democracy
The economy continues to struggle, the educational system underperforms and tensions exist at just about every point on the international landscape. And there is a national presidential selection process underway. … Continue reading "Uninformed Public is Danger to Democracy"
Pediatricians back away from screen use guidelines
This piece originally appeared in the Providence Journal on December 9, 2015. The American Academy of Pediatrics has long advised parents to keep children under age 2 away from video screens, … Continue reading "Pediatricians back away from screen use guidelines"
WISH-8 to WTTV-4 switch is bellwether for local TV nationwide
This post by Dr. Jeff McCall was originally published in The Indy Star. Media executives nationwide are watching to see how the Indianapolis television market will respond to the CBS … Continue reading "WISH-8 to WTTV-4 switch is bellwether for local TV nationwide"
The Rolling Stone UVA Rape Story Debacle
This post by Dr. Jeff McCall was originally published by The Indy Star on December 26, 2014. Journalism enters dangerous territory when reporters look to tell “stories” that are more dramatic, more … Continue reading "The Rolling Stone UVA Rape Story Debacle"
Cultural implications of media violence norms
This post originally appeared in the Indy Star on December 15, 2014. The nation struggles to explain why violence is so much a part of its daily experience. Senseless murders. Sports stars … Continue reading "Cultural implications of media violence norms"
Is Sharyl Attkisson a victim of Obama administration?
Former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson is either a paranoid kook or victim of one of the most heinous government abuses of a reporter in American history. Either way, the rest … Continue reading "Is Sharyl Attkisson a victim of Obama administration?"
News media must fight back against negative image
Originally appeared in The Indianapolis Star The dim news for the journalism industry just keeps coming. A recent Gallup news poll shows public trust of the media is at historic lows. … Continue reading "News media must fight back against negative image"
Time to Give NFL's Blackout Rule the Boot
Originally appeared in The Indianapolis Star The Federal Communications Commission is supposed to ensure that the electronic media serve the public interest. A current FCC rule, however, works primarily to serve … Continue reading "Time to Give NFL’s Blackout Rule the Boot"