Ethics in the curriculum
Prindle Quarter-Credit Ethics Reading Courses

No matter how busy you are, you can work ethics into your schedule with a quarter-credit Prindle Ethics Reading Course. In these courses, you’ll read and discuss with your professor and classmates a single work to enhance your understanding of the field of ethics or an individual ethical issue. Courses meet for the first eight weeks of the semester.
Learn more about ethics reading coursesStudent Work
Ethics in the News: Protests Against Male Circumcision

Hillman Intern Amalie Vacanti discusses protests against male circumcision her latest piece for The Prindle Post.
Read this article on the Prindle PostHillman Interns
How to get involved
Why Study Ethics
Ethics Reading Courses
Applications and Opportunities
Student Event Application
High School Ethics Bowl
Hundreds of high school students come to DePauw University and the Prindle Institute to compete in our annual High School Ethics Bowl competitions. If you are a DePauw student interested in a meaningful community engagement opportunity, we invite you to consider being an event assistant at our upcoming competition in February.