Should you feel guilty if you are getting paid to do “less” work during the pandemic? On this episode of Getting Ethics to Work, we’re discussing another issue related to the ethics of working from home.
Ethics of Working from Home: Lockdown Guilt
Overview & Shownotes
Many people in the United States are now working from home in an effort to slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. This brings up all sorts of ethical dilemmas, including the one we’re discussing on this week’s show: Should you feel guilty if you’re getting paid the same amount to do “less” work? Getting Ethics to Work’s resident ethicist Andy Cullison and producer Kate Berry discuss the guilt some employees might feel when working from home during a crisis. On this episode and every episode, we dig into complicated stories from the workplace and discuss the underlying moral problems these cases bring up.
Download this episode’s transcript.
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“Brass Buttons” by Blue Dot Sessions
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