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High School Ethics Bowl Competition Assistants

We couldn't do this without your help!

Thank you for your interest in serving as a judge, moderator, or tech assistant for the 2024 Indiana High School Ethics Bowl. Your assistance is a critical part of the ethics bowl experience and we appreciate your dedication to the ethics education of high school students. This page contains all of the information and training resources you will need to assist the Prindle Institute in successfully hosting another high school ethics bowl competition. Please direct any questions or concerns to Emily Knuth (eknuth@depauw.edu).

Training Information and Ethics Bowl Resources

The detailed competition schedule, with links to each competition room, can be accessed here the day of the competition.

Here are links to information you might need as you serve as an assistant:

Here is a useful video about judging a high school ethics bowl competition:

Tips for High School Ethics Bowl Judges (28 minutes)

Assistant Registration If you have any questions about assisting or this form, please contact Emily Knuth (eknuth@depauw.edu)

Visit Us.


2961 W County Road 225 S
Greencastle, IN 46135




Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM
Saturday-Sunday: Closed