Opinion Marko Mavrovic | 25 Sep 2020 The Ethics of Escapism (Pt. 1) The sphere of the political is only ever expanding. In many cases this may be cause for celebration, but we must also recognize that soon there will be no space left.
History Marko Mavrovic | 9 Jul 2020 When We Call Genocidaires "Monsters" Holding others legally and morally accountable requires individually confronting our capacity for (and complicity in) real-life horrors.
When We Forget Our Dignity George Floyd's murder and the subsequent protests and continued violence against protesters and police speak to numerous violations of human dignity. How can dignity be restored? 8 Jun 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
Novak Djokovic and the Expectations of Celebrity Do the responsibilities of celebrity extend to keeping some of their opinions to themselves? Must they play by a different set of rules than the general public? 14 May 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
Graduation: A Moment of Upheaval How can graduating seniors overcome their feelings of loss, regret, and lack of closure? By looking at the ways we are and are not bound by time and our sense of identity. 1 May 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
The Value of Socialization in College Changes to higher education raise the question of the value of the college experience including residential colleges and face-to-face instruction. Can the goods they bestow be replicated? 16 Apr 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
A Stoic's Guide to Crisis Our current predicament requires that we reassess the way we understand ourselves, or lives, and our relation to this world. 9 Apr 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
Are We Overreacting? Coronavirus in Context When faced with an adversary like COVID-19, we seem destined to look for grander strategies of response. But sometimes the simplest steps are the most potent. 11 Mar 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
The Case for Epistocratic Democracy Do we, as voters, have an obligation to be informed? Where could such a duty come from? Who might we owe it to? 28 Feb 2020 | Marko Mavrovic
The Questionable Morality of Gonzo Journalism The increasing trend of subjective reporting in journalism blurs the distinction between fact and opinion and threatens to undermine the political process. 6 Sep 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
The Amazon Fires: Responsibility, Obligation, and the Limitations of the State Violating state sovereignty by intervening on environmental grounds is an under-discussed topic. As the world shrinks and our problems expand, what role will our modern conceptions of the nation-state play in our future? 30 Aug 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
Is It Wrong to Be a Nationalist? Trump's embrace of the 'nationalist' label has drawn criticism. Is there any version of nationalism that is defensible? 27 Aug 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
Determinism and Punishment Should it be revealed that our actions are not as autonomous as we assume them to be, how might this impact our conception of punishment and desert? 15 Aug 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
Should We Return to the Moon? Much has been made of the US's intention to return to the moon. What did Apollo 11 mean then and what might another voyage mean now? 24 Jul 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
What It Means to Legalize Euthanasia Societal acceptance of physician-assisted suicide has been growing, but the costs aren't always so easy to see. 11 Apr 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
MAGA Hats, Nathan Phillips, & Journalism in the Social Media Age The furor sparked by the slanted treatment of Covington High School protesters raises questions about the prospects of objectivity in the days of instant news. 27 Mar 2019 | Marko Mavrovic
Is It Okay to Wear a House of Cards T-Shirt? After Kevin Spacey's sexual assault allegations, is it ethically permissible to still wear clothing that represent his work on House of Cards? 9 Nov 2018 | Marko Mavrovic
We Listen to Accusers, Should We Listen to the Accused? What determines who we listen to in public discourse? And how should our system of government affect said discourse? This article explores how we should continue national discussions of sexual assault allegations. 2 Oct 2018 | Marko Mavrovic
The Dangers and Ethics of Social Media Censorship What are the dangers involved in social media censorship? This article uses Alex Jone's removal from social media to examine the problems that come with censorship. 19 Sep 2018 | Marko Mavrovic