Itamar Shatz joins Andy on this episode of Getting Ethics to Work to discuss cognitive biases in the workplace and how we might avoid them.
Biases in the Workplace with Itamar Shatz
Overview & Shownotes
Itamar Shatz is a scholar at Cambridge University whose website, Effectiviology, helps people act and think more effectively using the latest insights from psychology and philosophy. He talks with Andy on this episode of Getting Ethics to Work about cognitive biases in the workplace and how we might avoid them. On this episode and every episode, we dig into the complicated moral issues people face in the workplace.
Download this episode’s transcript.
- Itamar Shatz
- Effectiviology
- Articles about bias on Effectiviology
- Itamar’s other amazing site, Solving Procrastination
- Egocentric Bias: The tendency to assume that other people see the world the same way that you do and have roughly the same knowledge base that you do.
- Empathy Gap: The difficulty people have in understanding the actions or predicting the actions of people who are in a different emotional/affective state.
- Fundamental Attribution Error: The tendency to assume that other people’s behavior is due to character traits but your own behavior is due to external circumstances (often beyond your control).
- Situational Factors: Factors outside of oneself or one’s control.
- Personal Factors: Factors that are a result of one’s personality.
- Backfire Effect: The tendency that people have to increase their confidence in a belief when they’ve been given evidence for thinking the belief is false.
- Implementation intention: A strategy by which one plans their response to a certain type of situation beforehand: “If I see or hear X, I will respond in Y manner.”
Thanks to Smallbox for designing our logo and website. Thank you to Brian Price for editing and mixing each episode.
“Brass Buttons” by Blue Dot Sessions
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