Civics Resources Alex Layton | 17 May 2019 Is the Filibuster Democratic? Is a tool used as obstruction to legislation antithetical to the Senate's purpose, or perfectly attuned to it?
Politics Alex Layton | 14 Mar 2019 The Politics of Ego Hyperpartisanship is not helped when potential candidates are seemingly more interested in their egos than their policies.
On the Just Treatment of Appalachian Coal Towns What challenges are facing Appalachian coal towns, and how can they be helped? 8 Mar 2019 | Alex Layton
Unpacking the Tactic of Shutting Down the Government Government shutdowns are often a highly partisan issue. So how should we parse the most recent one? 21 Feb 2019 | Alex Layton
Angola Prison and the Ethics of Prison Labor The "Alcatraz of the South" has a troubling history. Once a private plantation, the "Bloodiest Prison in America" now uses mandatory labor and religious services as a means of moral rehabilitation. Can the gains ever outweigh the moral ills? 29 Jan 2019 | Alex Layton
The Danger of Endorsing Political Conspiracies Political conspiracies can be laughably absurd, but what does it mean when they're so prevalent? How damaging can conspiracies be? 7 Nov 2018 | Alex Layton
Opinion: Kavanaugh Was the Wrong Choice Even after Kavanaugh's confirmation, the decision is controversial. 24 Oct 2018 | Alex Layton
On The Times Op-Ed: Ethics of Anonymous Sources Though the New York Times op-ed on Trump's White House was published weeks ago, there are ethical questions about it that have yet to be discussed. 27 Sep 2018 | Alex Layton
“Who Is America” and the Ethics of Comedy through Deceit Is Sacha Baron Cohen's new television show, Who is America, ethical? And if can ever be considered ethical if one consents to being on camera? 6 Sep 2018 | Alex Layton
Crisis in Sweden: A Struggle with Mass Migration Three years after the Syrian refugee crisis, Sweden still hasn't worked out the best system for resettlement. 15 Aug 2018 | Alex Layton
Ethnic Identity in America: Remembering the Ni’ihau Incident In 1941, a damaged Japanese fighter plane landed on Ni'ihau after the Pearl Harbor attack. What happened next sparked lingering questions about the relationship between national and ethnic identity. 13 Dec 2017 | Alex Layton
The Moral Trap of McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce McDonald's recently rereleased their Szechuan Sauce, but not widely enough to satisfy all fans. The aftermath of extreme customer dissatisfaction offers lessons about the role of nostalgia. 18 Nov 2017 | Alex Layton
Harvey Weinstein and Addressing Hollywood's Unacceptable Reality Harvey Weinstein's record of sexual assault reveals an uncomfortable truth about sexual harassment in Hollywood - a truth that must be addressed. 17 Oct 2017 | Alex Layton
More Than Just a Game: A Follow-Up Recent comments made by President Trump have further spurred the debate around professional athletes and social activism. 10 Oct 2017 | Alex Layton
Frank Ocean: Challenging Hip-Hop's Hyper-Masculinity Frank Ocean's career poses interesting questions about subverting, and in some ways reifying, hip-hop's trend towards the hyper-masculine and the misogynistic. 26 Sep 2017 | Alex Layton
More Than Just a Game? Using Sports as a Political Tool As Colin Kaepernick's kneeling protest spreads, the NFL continues to face soul-searching over the role of activism in professional football. 21 Sep 2017 | Alex Layton