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What We’re Reading: August 27, 2015

By The Prindle Institute for Ethics
27 Aug 2015
Image created from a photograph by Conner Gordon

The Hell You Say (New Yorker)
by Kelefa Sanneh
“The new battles over free speech are fierce, but who is censoring whom?”

How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election (Politico Magazine)
by Robert Epstein
“America’s next president could be eased into office not just by TV ads or speeches, but by Google’s secret decisions, and no one—except for me and perhaps a few other obscure researchers—would know how this was accomplished.”

Against Charity (Jacobin)
by Matthew Snow
“Rather than creating an individualized “culture of giving,” we should be challenging capitalism’s institutionalized taking.”

Inside the Migrant “Jungle” in Northern France (New Republic)
by Peter Wieben
“When you go through the desert it is only sand for two weeks. There is no way to know where you are. Many trucks got lost or ran out of water and those people died.”

The Myth of Cuba May Appeal to Tourists, but It Ignores the Country’s Complexity (Slate)
by Juliana Jiménez Jaramillo
“To visit a country because it’s ‘frozen in time’ is to glorify poverty.”

When a Snuff Film Becomes Unavoidable (Atlantic)
by Robinson Meyer
“On Wednesday morning, thousands of Twitter and Facebook users watched the lives of two Americans end, without ever having a choice in the matter.”

Check out these links related to our latest writing on The Prindle Post:
Conner Gordon: A Student Perspective on Trigger Warnings
The Trigger Warning Myth (New Republic)
by Aaron R. Hanlon

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