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Prindle Intern Spotlight: Natalie Weilandt

By Prindle News Hound
2 Feb 2015

Natalie is a senior intern from Winnekta, Illinois. She is an English Writing major.

  1. Tell us about an ethics/social justice issue that is particularly important to you.

Because I’m about to graduate, I find ethical issues involving the job market particularly interesting. For instance, what are the ethics of internships? How do those issues vary depending on whether the internship is paid/unpaid? As an intern, what is your role in driving the morals of a company, and what is your responsibility when you come across a questionable situation? And ultimately, how can we (DePauw Students) use our education in ethics to benefit the existing world?

  1. What upcoming Prindle event are you most excited about?

The Piper Kerman Ubben Lecture and Q+A!

  1. Which class(es) at DePauw have most challenged and expanded your worldview?

I took Human Cultures with Mona Bhan my sophomore year, and I would say that that class is the one I refer back to all the time, even though I’m not an Anthropology major. It was definitely the class where I had the most “Aha!” moments about society and culture.

  1. What’s the coolest thing you’ve heard about in the past week? This could be something you read, listened to, watched, talked about, etc.

C+J Foods! It’s a company that Camille and Jacquelyn (our Prindle Graduate Fellows) are starting—their homemade, raw Boulder Bars are awesome!

  1. Tell us about something you’re looking forward to.

Figuring out post-grad plans…

Read more about Natalie on her Prindle Intern bio page.

This creature of fiction allows students, community members, and Prindle Institute staff to post in a pseudo-anonymous fashion. It also makes for an awesome mascot. (Oh...and the image here belongs to the Found Animals Foundation and is licensed under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-SA 2.0)
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