Prindle Intern Spotlight: Amy Brown
Hometown: Crawfordsville, IN
Major: Political Science
Year: 2017 (Sophomore)
1) What ethical issue(s) did you write about in your intern application? Why is this specific issue important to you?
I wrote about assisted death and the right to die. I took a Honor Scholar seminar last year called Death and the Social Body from Dr. Upton, and it got me thinking about dying with dignity. If someone is terminally ill and really wants to just die before their disease makes them completely incapacitated, should we force them to continue to live or respect their wishes? It was something I hadn’t thought of before I took that class, and it really got me thinking about my opinions on that. If it was me, what would I want?
2) Tell us about one of your favorite Prindle events.
Conflict Kitchen was a wonderful event; I learned a lot about the conflict and culture in Palestine, and the food was amazing. It was interesting to hear about issues through the medium of food. I also hosted a panel this semester on Ebola, and the panel discussion between the professors and students was fascinating.
3) What are your plans for the future?
In the short-term, I just submitted my foreign study application to go to Prague in the fall! My great-grandparents were Czech so I’m excited I might finally get to go to Prague. This summer, I want to intern in Washington, D.C. In the longer term, I want to work in foreign policy someday.
4) What is the last movie you saw in theaters? Would you recommend it to others?
The last movie I saw in theaters was Guardians of the Galaxy. It was hilarious, so I would definitely recommend it! It was a lot lighter than the other Marvel movies and really well-done.