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Application for Ethics Reading Course Proposals Proposals due xxxx

Text for both form and page: We regularly receive more proposals for reading courses than we are able to approve. Our decisions are based on trying to balance the range of topics offered in the reading courses as well as offering a total number of such courses that are likely to fill. We also try to ensure variety year over year, both in terms of the texts that are taught and the faculty that teach these courses.

z - Fall 2023 Ethics Reading Course Proposal Submission Form

  • Focusing on moral questions is one of the distinctive features of the Prindle Ethics Reading Courses, so we ask that you pay particular attention to this question.
  • Tucker will supply some potential re-write language for this one
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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2961 W County Road 225 S
Greencastle, IN 46135
P: (765) 658-4075



Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday-Sunday: closed